Tuesday 15 November 2011

Helicop Dance

We took about 16 hours at a stretch to make this...
It was an interesting assignment! We had to collect some junk that was smaller than our fists, and then make characters out of it. They had to be unique and nonsensical! This was my second attempt at model animation, and its the best I could do with the given time.

The most interesting part was creating music with junk as well! We made instruments and used vocals like acapella - something I'd never explored before. Was a wonderful experience. No need to download anymore!

The last step was storyboarding, creating an animatic, a dope sheet, setting up a green/blue screen and animating it with a synch to the music. And this was the final product! It's not smooth and perfect, but I learnt more about thinking out of the box and about rhythm. :)

Thanks to my batchmate Alok and my junior-friends for helping in with the music!

This is the basic animatics made to show the movement of Helicop. Now all though it looks pretty okay I couldn't manage to put some of the shots in the final video - like the turn around. The camera shook and it looked like an earquake in the picture! Will take better precautions next time. Instead I replaced the bad footage with extra shots like the foo tapping and the closeup of the head.

I learnt how to keep it as basic and readable as possible. Had to add more frames in the end to sync it with our final edited track of 10 seconds.

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The Greedy Pencil

This blog is a collection of (some of) my work, the art I do for fun, my inspirations and the sweat that goes into making animated films. Enjoy!