Saturday, 30 November 2013

Day 31 - Proko Bean Torso

30 Nov 2013

Spent some 40 minutes practicing the bean after watching Stan Proko's lesson on simplifying the torso using the bean! It makes so much sense, and I really needed to get this right. My basics feel so weak right now! :'( But I'm getting a really good idea of how the torso twists, leans, turns and forshortens. Proko's videos are absolutely great!

Gesture drawing tool:


  1. hm.....................................................................beans...............

  2. El manejo del robobean es esencial para la anatomia humana y la animaciòn.Ya sea para el gesto y la adecuada postura, he estado practicando y quiero mejorar mi tecnica. Y bueno Stan Prokopenko lo enseña muy bien.


The Greedy Pencil

This blog is a collection of (some of) my work, the art I do for fun, my inspirations and the sweat that goes into making animated films. Enjoy!