Sunday, 21 October 2012

Day 26 - Speedpainting #06 - Alisha's seesaw

20th October 2012

Did one after really long! This is a photo of my friend Alisha and her friend in her garden. I wanted to learn how to capture daylight's effect on grass - it's almost florescent! Even the light on the skin is high in saturation, and the contrast of the unlit bg has pale tinted shades.

Original photo

 Speedpainting #06
Duration: 1 hour
No. of layers: 3

Feedback and criticism needed on this one and will be greatly appreciated!


  1. this is awesum! you dint even tell me!you've done an amazing job as for as colours are concerned. spot on i'd say! keep it up :)

    1. Hi! How did you find this! Haha! Yes it was just an experiment, I had this photo in the 'to be done' folder for a long time, coz the sunlight's really nice. So Ya!

      Do you have a blog? I tried searching but didn't find one. Where are u hiding! ;)

      Thanks for the comment! I'm trying for the colors in the given time!

  2. lol..not yet..i'm stil in that i-dont-have-anything-good-to-post phase :P btw was going through some other work of the expressions :)

    1. Alisha! Nobody thinks their work is good to post. But you should have the courage to show your work at the stage it is. Ambition is never happy with the current work - does that mean you should never put up anything? You'll see your improvement in your blog - it's a good way to measure your learning!

  3. :) just may have inspired me ms prabhudesai. will definitely put my mind to it.


The Greedy Pencil

This blog is a collection of (some of) my work, the art I do for fun, my inspirations and the sweat that goes into making animated films. Enjoy!